94% of businesses rely on immutable storage

07 March 2024

Scality has announced the results of a survey of 500 IT decision-makers across France, Germany, the UK and the US to gain insight into the role immutable data storage plays in an organisation’s overall cybersecurity strategy.

Key findings reveal that 94% either already rely on immutable data storage or plan to implement it within the next 12 months, and an additional 2% plan to deploy it within the next three years. 69% consider immutable data storage essential to their corporate cybersecurity. Only 12% of those who deployed immutable data storage say it is not essential to cybersecurity.

85% of UK respondents currently rely on immutable storage or plan to implement it within 12 months. This is the lowest of the four regions (US, UK, France, Germany). 47% of UK respondents across all vertical markets consider immutable storage essential to their corporate cybersecurity strategy. 54% of UK respondents in the IT, technology and telecoms sector deploy and consider immutable storage essential to their corporate cybersecurity strategy. This is the highest score among all sectors surveyed in the UK.

IT leaders consider immutable storage as a must-have in the fight against cyberattacks. Ransomware threats are now understood by organisations to be inevitable. Reports show 1 in 4 organisations that pay a ransom never get their data back, and just 16% can recover without paying a ransom. This reinforces the role immutable data storage plays as an essential last line of defence within a cybersecurity toolkit. With immutable storage, data cannot be deleted or modified once written, increasing data safety and ensuring organisations have the power to restore data with 100% accuracy in the event of a breach.

“Widespread deployment of immutable storage reinforces an increased awareness of the critical role secure backup plays as an active defence against cyberattacks, specifically coupled with immutable backup data,” said Dave Russell, VP of enterprise strategy at Veeam Software. “Veeam believes that achieving Zero Trust Data Resilience with immutable storage implementations — that are indeed truly immutable — is a great opportunity for IT leaders to reduce the risk of growing data security threats and improve their overall cyber resilience.”

“Immutable data storage is an insurance policy against ransomware. While the survey data shows IT leaders resoundingly agree that immutability is a cornerstone of cybersecurity strategy, 31% still did not report it as essential,” said Paul Speciale, CMO, Scality. “Here’s the reality: Being able to restore quickly from an immutable backup means the difference between a successful and unsuccessful ransomware attack. Without storage that’s truly immutable, you’re vulnerable to cybercriminals’ demands. The perception among some respondents that it’s not essential to cybersecurity is misguided and represents an opportunity to shift more IT leaders towards achieving a modern, inherently immutable object storage solution as a much-needed last line of defence to keep data locked and immune to ransomware exfiltration, modification or destruction.”